Comprehensive, Engaging Resources to Support Social-Emotional Learning for Grades K-5.

Experience MySELF: Social-Emotional Learning Foundations with virtual samples of student texts and teacher support materials designed to foster emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills.

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MySELF Virtual Sampler

Engaging books, explicit instruction, and culturally relevant resources build social-emotional and early literacy skills.​

Print + Digital • English & Spanish • Grades PreK–2



Teach print concepts and instill a love of reading with fiction and nonfiction titles that encompass key SEL topics.

Available as lap books, student books, take-home books, and interactive e-books. Selection taken from the I Communicate and Collaborate fiction theme set.​


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Family Guides​ 

Help families support their child’s social-emotional development with reading tips and extension activities.

1 per theme. Selection taken from the I Communicate and Collaborate fiction theme set.​



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Teacher’s Guides 

Integrate social-emotional and early literacy skills with step-by-step support, plus tips for Multilingual Learners.

1 per theme. Selection taken from the I Communicate and Collaborate fiction theme set.​


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Encourage real-world connections and inspire discussion with engaging photos and prompts.

1 per theme. Select poster taken from the I Communicate and Collaborate fiction theme set.​


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