This webinar shares proven strategies for making language instruction dynamic, rewarding, and effective. It focuses on well-designed instructional sequences for language development, including systematic scaffolding and motivation based on student agency and personalized learning. Viewers will understand and be able to recognize the non-negotiables of a successful language learning environment and will receive a clear explanation of ‘how language learning works’ in context. Specific attention is given to customizing instruction for Language Learners and Newcomers and to the types of feedback and differentiated lesson support that promote student achievement. Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes Ed. M. provides a thorough overview of the way that language development works to create a pathway for students to access grade-level content while learning English through research-based strategies.
60 minutes
About Our Panelists

Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, Ed. M.
Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, Ed. M., NABE Leadership Award Winner, served as an expert panel member for the development of the California ELD Standards and subsequently contributed as a Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee member for the California Department of Education. Her area of expertise is biliteracy with a focus on academic language, writing, and the organization of instruction for explicit teaching of Spanish-to-English cross-linguistic transfer. In collaboration with the California Department of Education, she coordinated the Spanish translation and linguistic augmentation of the Common Core State Standards for Language Arts and Mathematics. Silvia is currently a national biliteracy consultant and collaborating author for Benchmark Education Company.