Benchmark Education

Dual Language Learning-Spanish and English Literacy Connections

Discover innovative ways to help students develop foundational skills and vocabulary in the language they know, and then apply their knowledge to the new language they are learning. Cross-linguistic transfer expert Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, working with literacy consultant Shauna Williams, demonstrate in English and Spanish how you can combine explicit instruction with engaging activities that build biliteracy and proficiency.

This research-based webinar will help you teach literacy and language skills efficiently, work effectively with diverse students, and provide meaningful practice, either online or in the classroom.

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PD Webinar

Dual Language Learning- Spanish and English Literacy Connections

Presented by: Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, Ed. M.


Discover innovative ways to help students develop foundational skills and vocabulary in the language they know, and then apply their knowledge to the new language they are learning. Cross-linguistic transfer expert Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, working with literacy consultant Shauna Williams, demonstrate in English and Spanish how you can combine explicit instruction with engaging activities that build biliteracy and proficiency.

This research-based webinar will help you teach literacy and language skills efficiently, work effectively with diverse students, and provide meaningful practice, either online or in the classroom.


1 hour

Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, M.A.

About the Presenter

Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, Ed. M. served as an expert panel member for the development of the California ELD Standards and subsequently contributed as a Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee member for the California Department of Education. Her area of expertise is biliteracy with a focus on academic language, writing, and the organization of instruction for explicit teaching of Spanish-to-English cross-linguistic transfer. In collaboration with the California Department of Education, she coordinated the Spanish translation and linguistic augmentation of the Common Core State Standards for Language Arts and Mathematics. Currently a national biliteracy consultant and collaborating author for Benchmark Education, Silvia was honored with the National Association for Bilingual Education Leadership Award in 2018.