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Conscious Classrooms:

Using Diverse Texts for
Inclusion, Equity, and Justice ​ 

Thank you for your interest in Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Inclusion, Equity, and Justice, by Allison Briceño, Ed.D., and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Ph.D. 

This sample provides Chapter One: What Are the Books that Represent Diversity? Enjoy a preview of this book and see why Conscious Classrooms can help teachers build a positive schooling experience that recognizes students’ diverse strengths and support children’s academic, emotional, and identity development.

Read an Extended Sample

Conscious Classrooms:

Using Diverse Texts for
Equity, and Justice

Thank you for your interest in Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Inclusion, Equity, and Justice, by Allison Briceño, Ed.D., and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Ph.D.

This sample provides Chapter One: What Are the Books that Represent Diversity? Enjoy a preview of this book and see why Conscious Classrooms can help teachers build a positive schooling experience that recognizes students’ diverse strengths and support children’s academic, emotional, and identity development.

Conscious Classrooms
Conscious Classrooms

About the Authors

2024-1-Claudia Rodriguez (Gray)

Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Ph.D 

Claudia is a former bilingual teacher and is an Associate Professor at Santa Clara University in California. She coordinates the bilingual authorization program at Santa Clara University and teaches bilingual teacher preparation and language arts methods courses. Dr. Rodriguez-Mojica’s research focuses on the classroom instruction of bilingual children in public schools and the intersections among language, race, ethnicity, gender and culture as they relate to the teaching and learning of multilingual learners.

2024-1-Allison Briceno (Gray)

Allison Briceño, Ed.D.

A former bilingual teacher, reading specialist, and district literacy coordinator, Allison Briceño, Ed.D., is an Associate Professor at San José State University, where she coordinates the Reading and Literacy Leadership Credential and MA Program. Dr. Briceño’s work centers on improving (bi)literacy instruction for multilingual students and enacting Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in teacher education and K-12 schools.

Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Inclusion, Equity, and Justice

When you look at all of the reading books in your classroom, can you be sure that each of your students’ voices and experiences are well represented? Drs. Briceño and Rodriguez-Mojica created Conscious Classrooms to help teachers learn how to authentically include different voices and experiences in the classroom. They navigate the many questions surrounding diverse texts while also assisting with improving representation within the classroom. Highlights include:

  • Tools for auditing read-aloud texts, classroom libraries, and curricula
  • Sample book lists and ideas for acquiring diverse texts on a tight budget
  • Checklists and tips to determine if a book has questionable content
  • Research and instructional frameworks for diversity, equity, and inclusion
Conscious Classrooms

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