Benchmark Booster

Targeted Instructional Support to Boost Literacy Skills.

Explore Benchmark Booster Special Edition with virtual samples of student materials and teacher resources designed to provide targeted support in phonics, comprehension, and fluency for all learners.

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Access Your Virtual Sampler!

Benchmark Booster Virtual Sampler

Explore your virtual sampler below. It includes one week's worth of teacher and student resources for Grade 2 and Grade 4.

Note: Benchmark Booster is available for Grades 1-6 in both English and Spanish.

All components are available in both print and digital formats!

Benchmark Booster
  • Teacher's Resource System (TRS)

    Grades 1 and 2 feature explicit and systematic phonics instruction on essential phonics skills. Also includes assessments.


    Look Inside, English

    Look Inside, Spanish

  • Decodable Readers

    Grades 1 and 2 include decodable readers provided in take-home format (in color) and support application of phonics to reading.


    English - Let's Sled

    English - A Picnic Luch

    English - Stop for Socks

    Spanish, El chanchito Pancho

    Spanish, Los gemelos pelirrojos

    Spanish, El cumpleaños de Íñigo


  • Social-Emotional Learning





    Look Inside, English

    Look Inside, Spanish

  • Teacher's Resource System (TRS)

    Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 feature instruction focused on key, grade-level power standards and includes an adaptable plan to meet any blended learning model. Includes distance learning tasks!


    Look Inside, English

  • Student Book

    Texts are provided in write-in take-home format and include short reads, extended reads, and poetry – all related to the topic of pandemic.


    Look Inside, English

    Look Inside, Spanish

  • Social Justice Frame




    Look Inside, English

    • Teacher's Resource System (TRS)

      Grades 1 and 2 feature explicit and systematic phonics instruction on essential phonics skills. Also includes assessments.


      Look Inside, English

      Look Inside, Spanish

    • Decodable Readers

      Grades 1 and 2 include decodable readers provided in take-home format (in color) and support application of phonics to reading.


      English - Let's Sled

      English - A Picnic Luch

      English - Stop for Socks

      Spanish, El chanchito Pancho

      Spanish, Los gemelos pelirrojos

      Spanish, El cumpleaños de Íñigo


    • Social-Emotional Learning





      Look Inside, English

      Look Inside, Spanish

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