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Benchmark Advance & Adelante

Comprehensive, Research-Based Literacy Programs for Grades K-6 in English and Spanish.

Explore Benchmark Advance and Benchmark Adelante with virtual samples of student texts and teacher resources designed to build literacy skills, promote biliteracy, and enhance content knowledge through engaging, standards-aligned instruction.

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Benchmark Advance & Adelante Virtual Samples

Benchmark Advance ©2022 and Benchmark Adelante ©2023 are K-6 comprehensive, content-based literacy program that was developed using research-based principles aligned to the science of reading research.

The programs provide a cohesive instructional framework that reflects the two sets of competencies from science of reading research addressing all components of the reading process:

  • Foundational Reading-Skill Competencies (phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, fluency, sight words, and high-frequency words)
  • Knowledge-Based Competencies (vocabulary, language, comprehension, and background knowledge).
  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and foundational skills. 

     img-eng00001  img-eng00002
  • My Reading and Writing

    These student consumable books provide opportunities for students to connect phonics skills to authentic reading and writing. Students move from decoding to encoding and meaning making through built-in gradual release. Each book connects to the unit topic. 

    Y35027  img00001

  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 

    Y40589  img00002

  • Mentor Read-Aloud Big Books

    These short, complex, literary and informational texts support daily close reading/listening comprehension and writing lessons. All texts build knowledge on the unit topic.  

      Y40585 img00003

  • Extended Read Big Books

    These full-length, complex literary and informational texts support daily close reading/listening comprehension, vocabulary, and writing lessons. All texts build knowledge on the unit topic. 

      Y01372 img00005

  • Big Books of Shared Readings and Poetry

    These “We Read” texts support explicit instruction focused on unit and academic vocabulary, print concepts, fluency, foundational skills, and spiral review of previously-taught phonics skills. Poetry selections are also included. 

    ; Y35749 img00004


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00007  img00006

  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and foundational skills. 

     g1-sp  g1eng


  • My Reading and Writing

    These student consumable books provide opportunities for students to connect phonics skills to authentic reading and writing. Students move from decoding to encoding and meaning making through built-in gradual release. Each book connects to the unit topic. 

    Y35631  img00008


  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 

    Y40590  img00009


  • Mentor Read-Aloud Big Books

    These short, complex, literary and informational texts support daily close reading/listening comprehension and writing lessons. All texts build knowledge on the unit topic.  

      Y40587  img00010

  • Extended Read Big Books

    These full-length, complex literary and informational texts support daily close reading/listening comprehension, vocabulary, and writing lessons. All texts build knowledge on the unit topic. 

      Y01373 img00012

  • Big Books of Shared Readings and Poetry

    These “We Read” texts support explicit instruction focused on unit and academic vocabulary, print concepts, fluency, foundational skills, and spiral review of previously-taught phonics skills. Poetry selections are also included. 

    ; Y35754 img00011


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00008  img00013

  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and foundational skills. 

     g2sp  g2eng


  • Texts for Close Reading

    These student consumable books, sometimes called student “magazines,” contain multiple grade-level complex texts on each unit topic. Students engage deeply with these texts as they read, reread, annotate, and build toward an end-of-unit culminating task. 

    Y39870  img00015


  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 


    Y40591  img00016


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00008  img00013

  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and word study. 

     g3-sp  g3-1


  • Texts for Close Reading

    These student consumable books, sometimes called student “magazines,” contain multiple grade-level complex texts on each unit topic. Students engage deeply with these texts as they read, reread, annotate, and build toward an end-of-unit culminating task. 

    Y39880  img00019


  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 


    Y40592  img00020


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00010  img00021

  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and word study. 

     g4sp  g4eng


  • Texts for Close Reading

    These student consumable books, sometimes called student “magazines,” contain multiple grade-level complex texts on each unit topic. Students engage deeply with these texts as they read, reread, annotate, and build toward an end-of-unit culminating task. 

    Y39890  img00023


  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 


    Y40593-1  img00024


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00011  img00025

  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and word study. 

     g5sp  g5eng


  • Texts for Close Reading

    These student consumable books, sometimes called student “magazines,” contain multiple grade-level complex texts on each unit topic. Students engage deeply with these texts as they read, reread, annotate, and build toward an end-of-unit culminating task. 

    Y39900  img00027


  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 


    Y40594  img00028


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00012  img00029

  • Teacher's Resource Systems

    These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and word study. 

     g6sp  g6eng


  • Texts for Close Reading

    These student consumable books, sometimes called student “magazines,” contain multiple grade-level complex texts on each unit topic. Students engage deeply with these texts as they read, reread, annotate, and build toward an end-of-unit culminating task. 

    Y39910  img00031


  • Read-Aloud Handbooks

    Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 


    Y40595  img00032


  • Assessments

    Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

      img-eng00013  img00033

    • Teacher's Resource Systems

      These guides provide a roadmap for evidence-based literacy instruction across ten vertically-aligned knowledge building units. Instruction is comprehensive and integrates reading, writing, and foundational skills. 

       img-eng00001  img-eng00002
    • My Reading and Writing

      These student consumable books provide opportunities for students to connect phonics skills to authentic reading and writing. Students move from decoding to encoding and meaning making through built-in gradual release. Each book connects to the unit topic. 

      Y35027  img00001

    • Read-Aloud Handbooks

      Build background knowledge, vocabulary, and model how skilled readers think using engaging literary and informational texts aligned to each unit topic. In addition to shorter read-alouds provided in the handbook, trade book collections are also available. 

      Y40589  img00002

    • Mentor Read-Aloud Big Books

      These short, complex, literary and informational texts support daily close reading/listening comprehension and writing lessons. All texts build knowledge on the unit topic.  

        Y40585 img00003

    • Extended Read Big Books

      These full-length, complex literary and informational texts support daily close reading/listening comprehension, vocabulary, and writing lessons. All texts build knowledge on the unit topic. 

        Y01372 img00005

    • Big Books of Shared Readings and Poetry

      These “We Read” texts support explicit instruction focused on unit and academic vocabulary, print concepts, fluency, foundational skills, and spiral review of previously-taught phonics skills. Poetry selections are also included. 

      ; Y35749 img00004


    • Assessments

      Track progress and inform instructional next steps with powerful assessments. Weekly, unit, interim, and performance task assessments are available in eAssessment format with robust standards-based reports and direct links to targeted reteaching resources. 

        img-eng00007  img00006

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