Mis libritos de fonética
Instructive, Engaging, and Accessible Texts that Build Decoding and Comprehension Skills for Grades K-1.
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Mis libritos de fonética Virtual Sampler
BEC Mis libritos de fonética decodables support early literacy phonics instruction. A mix of literary and informational texts instill a love of reading through accountable texts. Companion teacher cards support the 5 pillars of early literacy while delivering concise instructional support.
A critical instructional tool during phonics lessons, BEC Mis libritos de fonética feature essential characteristics of effective phonics readers:
- Instructive books develop phonics skills in an explicit, systematic, and spiraled way.
- Comprehensible texts incorporate authentic-sounding speech and sentence patterns.
- Engaging and interesting stories with vivid design ignite students’ desire to read.
- BEC Mis libritos de fonética are available for Grades K-1.

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