Dual Language Biliteracy
I'm Bilingual! What's Your Superpower?
Learn how the Biliteracy Instructional Guide and Planners are resources that facilitate informed decision-making around planning and implementing Dual Language and Bilingual instruction using Benchmark Adelante and Advance. Understand the set of tools to facilitate instructional planning and language allocation to enhance your students’ Superpower of being bilingual. Use cross-linguistic transfer teaching and learning opportunities with the curriculum components. Get engaged with suggestions for maintaining instructional integrity in each language while avoiding redundancy and provide students with cross-linguistic strategies and routines.
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Back to School Webinar Series
Dual Language Biliteracy
I’m Bilingual! What’s Your Superpower?
Presented by:
Shauna Williams

Learn how the Biliteracy Instructional Guide and Planners are resources that facilitate informed decision-making around planning and implementing Dual Language and Bilingual instruction using Benchmark Adelante and Advance. Understand the set of tools to facilitate instructional planning and language allocation to enhance your students’ Superpower of being bilingual. Use cross-linguistic transfer teaching and learning opportunities with the curriculum components. Get engaged with suggestions for maintaining instructional integrity in each language while avoiding redundancy and provide students with cross-linguistic strategies and routines.
Duration: 45 Minutes