Equity, Social Justice, and Literacy in the New Normal
Watch Maria Campanario, National Equity and Leadership Consultant, for an opportunity to reflect interactively on the roles that social justice and equity play in today’s school communities. In this session we will explore the types of literacy resources that can facilitate these crucial aspects of education, as well as the tools to ensure that students and teachers feel physically and psychologically safe and secure in their learning environments. We will discuss ways to support best practices around social justice and equity in light of the new normal and remote learning environments, and how to address the inequities these factors have exacerbated.
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Watch Maria Campanario, National Equity and Leadership Consultant, for an opportunity to reflect interactively on the roles that social justice and equity play in today’s school communities. In this session we will explore the types of literacy resources that can facilitate these crucial aspects of education, as well as the tools to ensure that students and teachers feel physically and psychologically safe and secure in their learning environments. We will discuss ways to support best practices around social justice and equity in light of the new normal and remote learning environments, and how to address the inequities these factors have exacerbated.
60 minutes
Maria Campanario has over 40 years of experience in public education in a variety of teaching and administrative roles. Her work has concentrated on building effective schools, project based-learning, literacy, academic language development, English Language Learners, special education, and supporting district/school administrators in organizational planning. She regularly presents at national conferences and has led professional development on educational issues and policies at multiple state and local levels. Maria has also taught undergraduate and graduate courses on educational leadership, secondary literacy, culture, race, and urban education with a focus on equity and instruction that addresses the needs of socially, culturally, and linguistically diverse student populations. She is the National Equity and Leadership Consultant for Benchmark Education.